Keychain Aigle - Nissa
Keychain Aigle de Nice with inscription Nissa.
(Made in France)
La Chaise Bleue Collection offers you this keychain representing the eagle of the city of Nice with the inscription Nissa.
The eagle of Nice
The eagle of Nice appeared for the first time in 1431 on a parchment fixing the statutes of the town by the first Duke of Savoy Amedée VIII.
The passing eagle (the eagle is always in the feminine in heraldic language) poses its flight and its talons on 3 hills emerging from a moving sea. This symbol originally seemed to mark the hold of the Savoy over Nice, which was finally confirmed in 1431. But it gradually took on the more personal meaning of a loyal and sovereign Nice. A loyal and peaceful Nice but able to choose its destiny as with its 1860 attachment to France, or before that, its disconcerting game towards the Savoyards to use only the administrations and networks of the Counts of Provence. Before the creation of its statutes in 1431, Nice already knew how to react with an effective humor. In 1431, it finally accepted the conditions defined to live under the count of Savoy.
The 3 hills that the eagle is clutching are not defined but can correspond to 3 very strategic hills: the hill of the castle which overhangs Nice, the mount Boron which dominates perfectly the seaside and the bald mount which dominates all the view on the back country. Originally, only one hill was represented, certainly the hill of the castle; the agitated sea evokes the turbulences and the wars for this county.
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